New Home in Palo Alto

This master suite  renovation included the entire master bedroom space, and a brand-new buildout  for the master bath and closet.

Mauris quis viverra  est. Pellentesque sed pharetra magna. Sed eu erat cursus, pulvinar elit at,  accumsan ligula. Curabitur id lorem at enim auctor gravida. Maecenas vel  vulputate leo. Aenean commodo feugiat pharetra. Nullam vel quam orci. Duis  eros felis, porttitor ut blandit quis, dapibus at sapien. Proin ante tellus,  aliquet eu turpis at, iaculis lacinia mi. Fusce eget lacus feugiat, molestie  arcu a, porta dui.

"This was the home I always wanted. Couldn't have asked for more."

Palo Alto
Type of project
New build
Date completed
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